
Impact of Organisation's Culture, Power and Politics

University: Mont Rose College of management & Sciences

  • Unit No: 22
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5639
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: (J/508/0534)
  • Downloads: 1534
Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Primark is a leading international clothing retailer in the United Kingdom. Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviours of others in Primark organisation.
  • Discuss an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others.
  • Devise the concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation.


Answer :
Organization Selected : Primark


Organisation behaviour is a procedures to evaluate the how people behave at the work related places in a management team. It is a set of managerial activities helping in understanding, guess and influences the workers at the organisation. It involves different area like wise improving the performance of the employees, encourage the new thoughts and ideas for enhancing the productivity, focus on increasing the job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace. Their are various different theories and concepts which are implemented in the management team so that mission and vision of the organisation can be accomplished in the long run. With the references of Primark company, having stores at different location of the UK economy operating in the retailer industry providing the clothes for women, men and kids,Accessories, various product of home-ware and beauty and fashion product. This report undertakes the organisation rules and regulations , power and culture which have a impact on the behaviour of the workers.

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P1: Impact of Organisation's Culture, Power and Politics on Individual as Well as Staff Behaviour

Every organisation has its own strategies and tactics for continuity of business. Personnel perception and staff behaviour depends on some of the factors such as organisation working environment, culture, authority etc. In present situation, employees mostly worry about organisation environment rather than completion of given task. These factors affect both behaviour as well as working environment in the organisation. Charles Handy theory, also known as structural theory it states that organisation need different forms of culture which depicts the collaboration amongst management as well as employees.

According to Handy theory, organisation structure is divided into two dimensions; level of cooperation and power distribution. Expanding these dimensions includes 4 phases which are mentioned below-

organisational structure is divided into 4 phases which are mentioned below-


It refers to social norms as well as guides which reflects the individual attributes. A culture depicts the organisation and its employee stability. A company with good working environment culture attracts and gain trust of its personnel as well as team member. Culture affects both employee and group behaviour because it can have positive impact on productivity, goodwill of the firm, and sales (Chumg and et. al., 2016). Their are different types of culture which are discussed below-

Role Culture-

This culture reflects operational as well as functional structure. In this, personnel is worried about status and goodwill in organisation. Low level of cooperation is present in this culture. Because of which management is job oriented rather than goal oriented. Thus, status of power distribution is this section is low and presence of static environment is their.

Positive and negative impact: the positive impact on the organisation of that the everyone knows their part on the task so that management are able to achieve their goals in the perfect times. And the negative impact is that effectiveness of the inputs of the employees are not up to make which delay the profits of the orhgansaition.

Task Culture-

It refers to process in which each individual gets task individually. Tasks are given for a particular project. Handling of this situation reflects which employee will get power in the organisation. This form of organisation culture is beneficial for firm because it boost up the productivity of both employee as well as organisation. In respect with, Primark can adopt this culture because it enhances the morale of each employee. Thus, organisation will have good impact on its production efficiency because employee will become result oriented.

Person Culture-

Further comes person or individual culture. This states that individuals are egoistic in nature and have a perception that are important than the firm. This culture can create conflicts amongst team members as well as some of the personnel will have a negative impact if company go through this form of culture. In context to Primark, adoption of this culture will have great impact on its productivity as well as sales. Because it is retailing firm, individual performance can be analysed and on basis of that employee try to put more effort to accomplish goals. Hence, organisation profitability increases at higher ladder due to full independence available to subordinates by firm. (Muchiri, Shahid and Ayoko, 2019).

Power Culture-

In this, according to Handy theory power distribution is low in organisation because it lies within owners hand. Power culture is more related with cooperation of subordinates rather than power. In Primark, leaders in this culture are more flexible to maintain relationship amongst employees for organisation means.

Positive and negative impact: the positive impact is that organisation are able to complete the task in the most profitable manner which increase the turnover of the organisation in the target market whereas the negative impact is that sometimes employees are not understand the objectives of the organisation which affects the final results and also influence the employees behaviours at the work palces.


The organisation politics refers to healthy competition in the work places which leads to achieve the desire levels of outcomes in the most productivity manner and within the time frame. It include the decisions which helps the organisation to achieve the objectives in the profitable manner and it also influence the behaviour of the employees at the work places.

In this organisation is doomed with politics in relation with authority and power. It have both negative as well as positive impact in firm. Adoption of this, enhances individual career development and and its expertise level also get increased. Whereas negative impact of this is that there are some personnel in enterprises who secure their workplace while taking undue advantage of others. In relation with Primark, this have impact on both the parties employee as well as staff. There are two types of politics positive and negative politics discussed below-

Positive Politics-

In an organisation, requirement of positive politics is necessary because it encourages employees to enhance their efforts to achieve the goals. Also, adoption of this will increase personnel morale (Mentari and Santoso, 2020).

Negative Politics-

Negative politics are common in every organisation due to presence of grapevine. Thus, it affects the productivity and efficiency of organisation. In context to Primark, it should focus on reducing the elements which contribute to negative politics in the workplace. The negative politics leads to more conflicts in the work environment that affects the performance of the organisation in the long run.


It refers to ability to influence other decisions. In organisation, manger of each department has power to carry out the specified activities. So, power is important in every firm as it reflects behaviour and attributes of individual. Thus, it is comprises of 5 types of power which are mentioned below-

Reward Power-

This power occurs when employee is rewarded by its senior on basis of its performance. This, reflects subordinates abilities and its improvement in the organisation. In context to Primark, it is most beneficial effective method on basis of which improvements can be carried out. Because employee performance is analysed and productivity and efficiency of organisation increases.

Coercive Power-

It refers to getting work done by the employees on the directions of leaders with force to achieve the desired goal. In Primark, using of this force creates a conflicts and employee morale will be low. (Tear and et. al., 2020).

The coercive power helps the organisation to achieve the desire levels of outcomes in the most effective manners by providing the proper direction and guidance to its employees so that work can be done within the time period. Which will lead to increase the productivity in the market and enhance the performance in the market places.

To reduce the turnover in the organisation, the manager should provide bases needs and wants of the employees on time at the work related places. They also needs training and development programs which will helps them to improve their skills and capacities at the team. To motivates employees to continue give best inputs they are to be rewards for their efforts in the task so that they will give their best in the task and organisation are able to achieve their goals in profitable ways.

The negative impact of using the coercive power is that employees are not able to share their pointy of view and have to follow the guidance given by the leader to complete the task in the most profitable manners.

the negative impact on the use of the coercive is that employee feels that their ideas are not given importance in the team work which make them less motivated towards the work and damage their performance in the task and delay in achieving the organisation goals and objectives.

Legitimate power-This refers to getting power on the basis of personnel's position depending upon hierarchy in the organisation. So, Primark use this power by carefully analysing each and every employee behaviour as well as perception toward the organisation.

Referent Power-

This power mainly focuses on trust. Because, it is gained by an individual on basis of behaviour and employee attitude towards the organisation. In relation with Primark, as it deals with wide variety of products, there are personnel who have this power to handle the situations in the organisation because of their regularaty, trust and positive attitude. Organisation can use this power as to increase employee morale and to improve the working environment of firm(Cunha,and et. al. 2020).

Expert Power-

This power is available when individual posses some expertise skills and knowledge in a particular area or field in the organisation. Adoption of this power by Primark, will increase the organisation output but conflicts will be there amongst the employees because of un equalities. This creates conflicts between the subordinates and will be reduce by taking help of other employees by the owner of expert power (Preskar, and Žižek, 2020).


P2: Evaluate How Process and Content Theories of Motivation in The Organisation

The motivation helps the employees to perform better in their task so that organisation can achieve the objectives within the set time period and make profits in the long run. The motivation can be of two types such as intrinsic and extrinsic, here the intrinsic motivation is that employees stay motivated by themselves and push their performance to achieve the goals whereas the extrinsic refers to the motivation which is given by the leader to its employees to give their best performances at the work places.

In the Primark organisation, the intrinsic motivation is that employees stay motivate by themselves for example worker of the company take responsibilities to compete the task in effective ways and get rewards for their work, the extrinsic motivating is that leader of the Primark have to motivate the employees for example conducting training program to motivate employees and make them understand the organisation goals.

The process theories show a way how employees will act in the management team so that pre-determine objectives of the organisation can be achieved in the long run. This type of theory helps to motivates the employees to perform with the align vision of the company. These theory helps in examine the behaviour of the workers for various time so that changes can be done in the management which will aid in achieving goals and objectives of the organisation. This theories produces the way to examine the behaviour of the employees and make sure that they help in conquering the set goals in the most effective ways.

(Akhtar and Long, 2015)

The Expectancy Theory:

According to this theory, employees are motivated to perform good in the task and are given rewards for their best performance in the team. Here worker are given rewards in lieu of their performance in the organisation. This helps employees to give their best in any activities and getting rewards for their input encourages them to achieved the pre-determine standards of the organisation. This can be stated as a positive for the organisation as well as for the employees because the goals are accomplished by rewarding the employees in the management team. In the context of Primark company, the manager has find that there is a positive correlation between the employees efforts with the outcomes of their performance and such efforts of the rewards for continuous improvement in the performance of the employees. The manager make sure that they implement such theory in their management team so that productivity can be increased in the long run. (Bahrami, Barati and Ezzatabadi, 2016)

If employees are not provided with the rewards then they feels demodulated to perform better in the given task as their work is not appreciated in the team. Sometimes the employees can leave the organisation which will effects the outcomes of the turnover in the company.

Strength and weakness: the expectancy theory is helps in motivating the employees better in the task as there are rewarded for their input which lead to accomplishing the organisation goals and objective whereas the weakness is that employees has to follow the orders of the leader which limits their innovation. The positive side of the expectancy theory is that employee are given rewards for their best inputs which motivate them to execute the task in more effective ways so that goals can be achieved in proper manners. and the weakness of this theory is that organisation are not able to make its employee understand their vision which damage their work in the market and affects the profits margin.

McClelland Motivation Theory:

As per the scenario of the Primark organisation , the manager and leader uses this motivation theory in their management so that employees work is improved by giving recognition in the team work and provide them with the basic things which are needed to perform the task in better ways.employee have motivation drivers which are directly linked to the needs of worker regardless of their age, gender, culture and various another things. There are four type of needs

  • Need For Achievement: the employees wants to achieve some goals for that they need motivation to compete the task.
  • Needs For Power: the power add the great value to the status of the employees and give recognition in the work places or at the society.
  • Needs For Affiliation: the employee wish to join the good group to be liked by everyone and to enhance their work and performances in the organisation.
  • Need For Avoidance: if the employees do not wish to perform at the forefront then they avoid the situation.

All these needs are required in the Primark organisation so that all the employees are working to achieve the common goals and objectives in the time frame and lead to achieve the desire level of outcomes.

This motivational theory helps in reducing the employee turnover in the management level as employee are provided with their basic needs and desire which are required by them to compete and execute the task in prefect manners.


The Primark company are able give these need to this employee so that they are able to perform better in the all the task .The organisation are able to achieve their goals and objective sin the most effective ways and reduction in employee turnover of the organisation as employee feels that they are important part of organisation and their work is valued in the team.


employee are not able to understand the objective of its organisation which damage their work in the long run or employee will leave the company. The employee are not willing to work properly if their inputs are not rewarded with in the team.

The Content Theories :

Under this theory, the basic needs of the employees at the work places are fulfil so that they can compete the task in the most effective ways. Such theories are helpful in motivating the employees to perform better in the organisation by satisfying the needs and desire of the employees at the work environment. The manager look after the such needs of the employees from time to time so that employees stay loyal to the company for the long term. With the references of Primark company, the leader follow such theories in their management team to achieved the mission and vision of the organisation in the effective ways. With the references of Primark, the senior manager applied such theories in it team so that needs of the employees are fulfil and which will motivates employees to performance better in the management levels. Maslows theory of motivation is implicated in the organisation which is discussed as follows:(Duan and et.al. 2017)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Desire:

Under this theory, needs of the employees such as physiological, social, safety and esteem & self-actualisation have a direct impact on the performance of the employees which can also effect the outcomes for the organisation. Further it can be conducted that basic needs and desire of the employees are fulfilled so that feel that they are part of the organisation.

1. Physiological Needs: under this needs various thing is involved such as air, water, food, clothes and shelter, such needs are required to survive at the workplace in the long run. The manager has to look after the basic desire of its employees to make them comfortable at the work conditions.

2. Safety Needs: under this needs employees are provide a sense of security and well-being at the work environment by giving them personal security, work protection at the task and reliefs from the accidents expenses. The manager manage that employees are given safe and secure salary and job security so that employee can be a part of company for the longer period of time.

3. Social Needs: This needs is very important for the employees as such needs provide a sense of belonging and acceptation at the work environment so that worker does not feel isolated in the company. This helps in knowing each other in the team and work for achieving the common objectives of the administration(Gravina, Villacorta and Wilder, 2018)

4. Esteem Needs: it include the self-actualisation and self respect at the management team. The senior manager make sure that employees are given recognition for their good work in the organisation.

5. Self-Actualisation Needs: employees found their full capabilities at the work place and look after enhance their production at the team. As individual can be involved at decision-making and group meeting.

The maslow theory helps the employees to need their basic requirement in the work. but if the employees are not provided with the basic needs and wants at the work environment then the motivation of the employees reduces in the task and which will also reduce the performance of the organisation . the employees can leave the such company that will increase the labour turnover of the Primark organisation in the market and damage the brand image.

Limitation of theory: the organisation also think about its employees as it is difficult for the company to hire new employees all time. So that this theory has less practical impact on the company.

P3: Explain What Make Effective Team as a Conflicting to Ineffective Team

The belbin theory is used to make the effective team in the organisation and i have also experienced that proper and productivity team are important for the organisation to achieve the desire level of results at the work places. I have experienced that team is build on the achieving the common objective where everyone is having roles and responsibilities for task so that work can be finished in proper ways.

The reflection on my experience while working in the organisation have a positive impact on my outcomes which will i have developed over the period .I have a personal experience in working in the effective team which are formed with the help of Belbin theory, where i have learned that how to perform in the team and develop the coordination skills and sharing the new ideas and thought with the team so that task can be competed in the profitable manner in the team. I have also learned some leadership skills which helps to lead the team towards achieving goals and objectives,.

A team is a group of people working together for achieving the pre-determine standard goals of the organisation in the long run. In any organisation there are two type of team such as effective team and ineffective team and organisation focus on converting ineffective team into effective team by providing training and development programs to the employees. The effective team is a one where member of the team have goods skills and knowledge and have open discussion and provide a sound advise to its team members. The ineffective team is a group of person having the different goals instead of having common objectives which decrease the profitable of the overall company. For ineffective term, the situational leadership is followed as it can be suitable for various different conditions in the management. With the references of Primark company, the manager have a effective team which helps in finishing the task in most profitable methods and tries to convert the ineffective team into effective team.

The belbin theory is used to analysis and make a effective team in the organisation and look after converting the ineffective team into effective team for better production in the organisation. This theory focus on making employee more cultivable by providing them interpersonal skills so that they can create more balanced teams.

The Belbin theory is used to make the team development in the organisation so that organisation are able achieve their goals in the effective manners with the help of effective team which will lead to better performances in the organisation i have a personal experiences in working in the group to compete the task in the most profitable ways. the good tem will also lead to great outcomes at the work related places.

Comparison between the effective team and ineffective team:(Ludwig, 2015)


Effective team

Ineffective team

Mission and vision

Here mission and vision are clearly stated by the manager ans are changes according to the need of organisation.

Under this team, there is no clear vision about the organisation.

Interdependence of members

Under this team, members are treated equally responsible for achieving the goals.

Here work of the employees are not in constructive ways.


Under this team, there is two way communication which lead to open discussion.

Under this team, the communication is one way, senior manager gives direction to its junior.


Leadership is transfer to member of organisation.

Leadership is hand of high authorised


Proper decision making is made under this team

Their is no proper decision making


P4: Apply Concepts and Philosophies of Organisation Behaviour Within an Organisation

The human resource is a very important factor for any organisation as they define and present their organisation goals and objectives. With the references of Primark company, the management team make sure that there are enough number of people in their team so that task can be completed in the appropriate manner. The manager uses path-goal theory of leadership which show the to control the employee at the workplace and motivates them to perform better in the organisation so that common goals can be achieved in productivity ways. The leader can motivates employees by giving them a rewards for good performance in the organisation and they also provide a guidance to choose the path to finish task in effective ways. Accordance to path-goal theory, manager must focus various types of leadership behaviour. (McShane and Von Glinow, 2015)

The organisation can use the path goals theory to motivate its employee to achieve the desire outcome in proper ways. this theory have 4 different type of theories which helps the company to achieve the goals and see the effective results in the organisation. The Primark organisation can use this four leadership theories to motivate the employee to work at full capabilities to finish the task.

The path-goals model gives a away to influences the behaviour of the workers at the organisation so that pre-determine goals can be achieved in long run. The main aim is to gain the employees motivation, job satisfaction among the employees and to enhance the productivity in the present and in the long term goals. This theory include different type of style such as directive,supportive,achievement- oriented and participative leadership.

The Directive Leadership:

Under this type of leadership, the manager and leader knows what exactly must be done in the management and how tasks are to be performed within the deadline . Here leader inform it employees what is expected from them by providing clear guidelines and tell how to complete the task in the proper manner. This type of leadership style is most suitable for inexperience employees who needs guidance to complete the task in effective ways. ( Niven and Boorman 2016) with the references of the Primark organisation, leader are aware about what action they are supposed to take in the team to achieve the goals. The performances of the individual as well as of the organisation gets better with this leadership style

Supportive Leadership:

Under this type of leadership, the manager and leader gives lot of attention on the needs and desire of the employees at the workplace. Manger treats the employees with the regard and assist them when it is necessary. It is use in the organisation where employees are demotivated at the work or doesn't believe in himself. This leadership have huge impact on the inputs of the employees of the Primark organisation in the team as worker are provided with the basic needs which will compete the task in proper manners.

Achievement-Oriented Leadership:

Under this style, the leader sets challenges goals for the employees and anticipate the achievement on the larger scale and make them trust their ability to handle such issues at the workplace. Employee who are able to manage the work independently and have good decision making capabilities are covered under such leadership types. In the references of the Primark organisation, the leader set problem for the worker which will improve the problem solving skills and capabilities of the employers. the organisation are able to achieve the desire results in proper manners.

Participative Leadership:

Here leader include the employees ideas and opinions in making decision-making and include their participation in completing the task in the proper manner. Here employees have a specialist knowledge about the different task which are to be finished in the accurate manner. ( Peltokorpi, Allen and Froese, 2015) with the references of the Primark company, leader and manager take the opinions about the task and activities before making the effective decision on the task. This also have impact on behaviour of the employees of the organisation and their outcomes in the long run.

The path-goals theory shows that leader are flexible and can be adapted to different situation in the organisation. This theory also get influences by the work and characteristics of the employees and what motivates these employees to perform better in the management team.

The path-gaols helps in competing the task in the most effective manners by using different path to finish the work in effective ways. the social loafing affects the inputs of the employees at the work places which have huge impact on the organisation outcomes. it lead to better leadership and productivity in the given task. The another concepts and philosophy of the social loafing is that here the employee are not performing as per their roles and duties in organisation which damage the companies objectives in the long rin.

Strength of Path-Goals Theory:

This theory helps in achieving the organisation objectives in the most effective ways as it show the path to its employees to be followed in the management team which guidance them to compete the task in productivity manners and stay focus on achieving the desire results in the most profitable ways and all the employees are aware about their roles and responsibilities in the team so that work is performed effectively

Weakness of Path-Goals Theory:

The limitation of this theory is that employee sometime are not motivated to execute the plan of action which can delay the performances the organisation in achieving the objective in perfect manners . leader are not able to guidance its team in proper way so that results in not having proper outcomes.

Social loafing: it refers to the concepts that employees are lying on your front to exert less efforts in the task if they are in the group rather than the working alone. The working in group is more productivity as it pools the skills and talents individual in that group.

The negative impact of such theory is that is affects the individual as they are considers as the weak contributors in the group. If there is low social loafing then it will lead to ineffectiveness in the performance of the members of the organisation as employees feesla that their work is not appreciated in the team.

The positive impact is that it helps the organisation to reduce the turnover in the market and enhance the productivity in the management levels. It also helps in improving the performance of the employees at the work places as team members helps each other to participative in task and put their best inputs in the activities so that the organisation goals can be accomplished

The social loafing have various advantages and disadvantages will also affects the performance of the organisation. The advantage is that all then skilled and knowable employees are pull in the group so that sound decision can be made for the Primark organsaition.

Also Read :- The Changes in an Organisation


According to above discussion, it can be conducted that behaviour of the employees have a large impact on the productivity of overall organisation. The manger of Primark, make sure that there is proper organisation culture, policies and power at the workplace as these factors have a huge effort on the performance of the employees and for proper working condition there must be effective team in the organisation which helps in achieving the goals in time. ( Rupp and Luo 2015)Their was also discussion on the process and content theories which helps in directing the employees in the most suitable ways and to keep employees motivated for long period of time. To get more details about online assignment help ask our experts.

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